I am a Business Owner

Dear Entrepreneur, You can’t write.

(and that’s ok!)

You’re not supposed to write your own content. Your creativity, ideas and talent lie elsewhere – that’s why you’re building a business. Outsource your content to people that do it for a living.  

You’ll never get your business

You’ll never get your business

“out there” if you continue wasting time and money with…

Freelancers who don’t understand your business?

Trying to write your own thought leadership consistently but failing because you have a million other things to do.

Employees that can sort of write but have more important hats to wear - “John, I know you’re our CTO but can you also write some blogs?”

Good content sweetens sales efforts

As a startup, you probably have a solid direct outreach sales plan. Your content marketing supports that! When the prospect checks out your website or your personal Linkedin profile and there’s insightful, consistent content there, that’s the stuff that closes deals. Now if only you could stop tripping over your over-complicated value proposition and simplify your brand narrative…

Popular content requests from Entrepreneurs:

Cold email sequence copy

Website content

Thought leadership

Sales collateral (Brochures, sales deck, presentations)


Brand Narrative Direction

Work with B2B writers

that know how to tell your story without breaking your bootstrapping bank.


